大猩猩透明強力雙面膠帶 1吋 x 60吋
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大猩猩透明強力雙面膠帶 1吋 x 60吋


大猩猩透明強力雙面膠帶是一種透明的雙面膠帶,可即時安裝,以實現持久的防風雨粘結。 透明的膠帶不會隨著時間的流逝而變黃,最多可容納15磅! Gorilla強韌透明安裝膠帶非常適合室內和室外項目,並粘在光滑和粗糙的表面上。 借助這種堅固的雙面膠帶,輕鬆完成DIY項目。 安裝,構建和維修!


大猩猩透明強力雙面膠帶 1吋 x 60吋 Directions


  1. 黏貼的位置必需為平整、乾淨、乾爽及不附污垢或油漬。每4" 膠帶可負重一磅。以垂直方向貼在物件的背面,盡量令負重範圍均勻分佈。避免觸及膠帶的黏貼面。
  2. 按適當長度剪裁並加以按壓,確保膠帶緊密貼上。
  3. 撕出透明保護膜並對準黏貼位置。
  4. 黏合後加以按壓,確保膠帶已緊密黏合,發揮極強的永久性黏合效果。

Gorilla At Work

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大猩猩透明強力雙面膠帶 1吋 x 60吋®FAQs

Is Gorilla Mounting Tape permanent?

Yes. Once Gorilla Mounting Tape is used to mount an object, it is meant to be held in place permanently, and not be removed.

How much weight will Gorilla Mounting Tape hold?

Gorilla Mounting Tape will hold up to 10 pounds per project.

How do I remove Gorilla Mounting Tape’s liner?

Once Gorilla Mounting Tape is pressed onto the surface of the object to be held, remove the liner by peeling it from a corner of the tape. This can be done by using a fingernail or similar object to separate the liner from the tape.

How do I remove Gorilla Mounting Tape?

Gorilla Mounting Tape is a permanent tape. Once applied, it can be difficult to remove, and can damage surfaces if the objects are pulled away from the surface.

If Gorilla Mounting Tape isn’t exposed and cannot be reached by hand between the mounted object and the surface, a prying motion on the object from one corner can sometimes remove it from the surface. Please note that damage to the surface can occur.

If Gorilla Mounting Tape is exposed and within reach between the mounted object and the surface, pull the tape parallel to the surface (or vertically downwards) to remove it from the object.

How much Gorilla Mounting Tape should I use on my project?

Use four inches of Gorilla Mounting Tape per pound of weight being held.