Gorilla at Work
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大猩猩木材專用膠水是木工,木匠和業餘愛好者為其木工項目所信賴的粘合劑。 大猩猩木材專用膠水,是一種PVA膠,具有易於使用的水基膠粘劑的優點,並具有能穩住大猩猩的能力而聞名。 該膠水俱有極高的防水性,並且乾固後為自然顏色,為您的項目提供了隱形的粘合線。
- 快速完成項目:僅需要20-30分鐘的夾緊時間,並在24小時內完全固化。
- 使用室內或室外:通過ANSI / HPVA II類防水性能。
- 乾固後為自然顏色:提供自然的粘合線。

大猩猩木材專用膠4安士裝 Directions


  1. 應用


  2. 夾緊




  3. 清潔





Gorilla At Work

Want to see how tough our products are? Watch the videos below to see them in action.


How do I remove Gorilla Wood Glue from my surface?

To clean up while glue is wet, use a clean, damp cloth to wipe off excess glue. Make as many passes as needed with the clean area of the cloth to remove all the glue. When areas have completely dried, sand as needed. To clean up glue that has dried, use a sharp putty knife, razor, or sharp scraper to shave hardened glue from surface, then sand as needed.

Gorilla Wood Glue is too thick for my application, can I thin this glue?

Gorilla Wood Glue, unlike Original Gorilla Glue, is a water-based adhesive. You can thin Gorilla Wood Glue by adding water (not to exceed 5% weight).

Will Gorilla Wood Glue bond plastic/vinyl/rubber?

Gorilla Wood Glue is intended for use on hardwoods, softwoods, cardboard, cork, and composite lumber.

Is Gorilla Wood Glue food safe?

Once cured, Gorilla Wood Glue complies with FDA #CFR21 175.105 for indirect food contact and can be used on projects such as salad bowls and cutting boards.

How can I clean a clogged tip?

To clean the bottle tip, use a clean, damp cloth to wipe off excess glue after closing. If tip becomes clogged with dry glue, remove the cap, pull off the nozzle, and push the clog backward with a toothpick, then rinse cap with warm water. If you have difficulty pulling up on the nozzle, use a pair of pliers or scissors placed at the base of the nozzle and twist slightly.

What should I do if I think a human or animal has ingested Gorilla Wood Glue?

For medical emergencies, call 1-800-420-7186 anytime to reach a member of our product safety team. Additional product safety and first aid information can be found here.

How do I remove Gorilla Wood Glue from my body or skin?

To remove Gorilla Wood Glue from hands, wash with soap and warm water.